Dungeons of Cumorah

Dungeons of Cumorah: Elendia's Esteem is an action-RPG dungeon crawler similar to classic Zelda games or a 2D Dungeon Master or Legend of Grimrock. It is in development for the Roku platform. There are four dungeons, the first of which will be free to play, and then you can optionally pay $14 to unlock the remaining three. Here is the intro story:


On the distant world of Cumorah, in an age before history, legend holds that the goddess Elendia bestowed her blessing, her "esteem", upon the worthy exemplar Amaron. This led to an age of enlightenment, peace, and prosperity beyond anything mankind had ever known. But it was not to last forever, for men's hearts betrayed them in time, and selfishness and wickedness returned to the land. Eons later, a young father and sage's apprentice named Ishmael feels a yearning in his soul, a great pull upward toward a higher, better way of being. He has studied Amaron's quests to complete Elendia's Trials in the far flung dungeons of Cumorah, and Ishmael seeks to retrace the ancient exemplar's footsteps that perhaps he too might gain the highest grace known to man, Elendia's Esteem.

Dungeons of Cumorah

Dungeons of Cumorah